Why mobile-friendly natters to small business
According to a Pew Research Study from October 2014, 64% of American adults own a smartphone. Of those smartphone users, 34% access the internet only from their smartphones. Business owners must recognize that roughly 50% of potential customers are searching for businesses from smartphones. Additionally, recent changes to Google’s search engine penalizes sites that aren’t mobile-friendly.
Not sure if your site is mobile-friendly?
Google has created an easy tool to check. Hopefully, most SMB owners will be able to avoid challenges caused by site-building tools such as WordPress, which can be dependent on template and plugin developers for updates.
The takeaway here?
The rise of smartphone usage necessitates a choice for SMBs – either pay a design professional to update their site, or find a future-proof (and mobile-friendly) tool for their online presence.
For SMBs, a mobile-friendly solution is needed that is easy to implement, easy to maintain, and easy to afford. This is what Broadly tries to offer.